Friday, February 21, 2014

Trying to play "catch-up"

So, I have some days to make up for.  I apologize, as I have been preoccupied, not so much with work but with activities.  I had a day off yesterday, and I took full advantage of it; however, I don't want to get too far ahead of myself in describing what has been going on down here.

Let us start back on Monday, which found us arriving at Isla Iguana, which is a 80-hectare wildlife refuge on an island off the coast of Panama.  At first glance, you see these black, winged creatures (I am told they are called "birds"?) constantly hovering above the island.  Once you actually set foot on the island's white beaches, you are transported into a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, similar to the picture below.

These birds are magnificent frigate birds.  They spend most of their time in the air, hence the reason you see a constant "cloud" of them from afar, and they are one of the only bird species that sometimes nests at ground level.  What do they put in those nests, you ask?  ONE egg per each breeding season.  And how do they find a mate?  Well, similar to human fashion, the male frigate bird inflates his red throat pouch ("gular pouch"), which attracts the attention of the female and, well, you know what happens next (I do not know how that is similar to humans; use your twisted imaginations).  All I know is that there was one that kept flying low...

I guess it saw my inflated, red...nevermind.
While out on a walk, we also bumped into "Señor Iguana," interrupting his sun tanning session...but that will have to wait until the next post, because the internet on board the ship is spotty and pictures take a lifetime to upload...TO BE CONTINUED...

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