Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Baja Hodge-Podge, aka "Whales and Cacti"

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 - Mar de Cortés, Baja California Sur

Our internet has been spotty, which explains my lack of posting as of late.  Therefore, let's get right to it...

From Bahía Magdalena, we headed further north to Laguna San Ignacio, which is especially known for one thing...

...gray whales!!  This particular one came up to our panga (a small boat typical to this region) upside down, apparently wanting us to pet his underside.

Photograph Courtesy of Cristian Moreno

We happily obliged.  Each of us took turns kissing a whale (or multiple whales, for some).  Your life is not complete until you have kissed a gray whale, which is usually covered in barnacles and/or lice (helpful, friendly lice, of course).

Over the following week, we have traveled around the Baja Peninsula and into the Sea of Cortez....or Gulf of California...or Mar de Cortés; there are multiple ways of describing this particular location.

Anyway, we have been island-hopping, but I have not gotten off the boat all that often...until today.

We arrived at a location called Gull Rock this morning.  Why is it named so?  What fascinating, life-changing story surrounds this moniker?  Well, apparently, there was a gull sighted on the prominent, offshore rock.  Now, however, you will mostly seen brown pelicans.  Fun fact for you there.  I hope that it lived up to your expectations!

After finished up with lunch service, I accompanied Garland onshore, where we hiked into the arroyo (dry river bed).

Throughout our hike, we encountered plenty of towering cacti...

...vibrant flowers...

...and empty gooseberry flowers, still dangling in the wind.

Being the rebels that we are, Garland and I decided to climb up one of the various hills of the arroyo.  In the end, we reached the peak, discovering the perfect, old-western ambush spot.

Getting down was the hardest part, as the rocks were all mostly loose...and I was wearing sandals.  Talk about great planning!

I should have another post coming soon, as our next few stops should produce some great photo opportunities...like this one!

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