Monday, September 15, 2014

Southeast Alaska Recap Part 2!!

Monday, September 15th, 2014 - Olympia, Washington

Now that I have returned from Europe (Portugal and London were amazing and will be featured in a future blog post), I can continue my posts about Southeast Alaska!

We left off at Petersburg, which would be followed by the exploration of Frederick Sound and Chatham Strait.  Each week, we would arrive at Pavlof Harbor, which carries the waters of Pavlof Lake out into Freshwater Bay.  After taking a zodiac to shore, one would arrive at the mouth of the Pavlof River.

This intertidal zone, with assistance from the fish ladder (the step-like structure on the right), serves as a salmon buffet for the predators in the area, especially the brown bears.

Despite this knowledge, we proceeded along the water's edge.  At one point, our naturalist guide, Rich, felt that we were being watched.  Looking to the ridge on the right, we spotted this little fella'...

...who happened to be drooling and popping his jaw.  These were signs to us that we were an obstacle between him and his next meal.  We had two options: let him proceed to his meal...or BECOME his meal.  Needless to say, we retreated and watched from a safe distance.

Bears have a hierarchy of sorts.  This being a smaller bear, it would venture down to the water, catch a fish and retreat to the safety of the woods, ensuring that it would not be harassed by a larger, hungrier bear.

It returned two more times; this bear could eat!

The next day would find us in the Inian Islands, a fantastic place to view wildlife!

Bald eagles...

...Stellar's sea lions...

...and bald eagles stealing fish from Stellar's sea lions.

I could not stop talking pictures of these crazy creatures.

The second half of the day would be spent at Fox Creek and Shaw Island.  Upon reaching the beach, one can embark on an incredible hike up to a muskeg...

Photograph Courtesy of Rachel Eaton

Photograph Courtesy of Rachel Eaton

...and pick wild berries, including blueberries and mini-strawberries (which were ridiculously sweet).

That shall end this post.  On the next one, we shall finish Southeast Alaska!!

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